Create A Deeply
Connecting Sex Life


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I’m Ariel, your
sex educator mom friend

You’re wondering where to find approachable, Christian friendly sex education from someone who's been in your shoes. Well friend, you’re in the right place! No off-limit conversations or awkwardness allowed. Put on your sweats, get some hot cocoa, and let’s sit on your couch and chat while our kids play.

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hey, friend!

I used to resent my husband’s easy enjoyment of sex and feel scared that I wasn’t enough for him. But I don’t feel that way anymore! Sex is now one of my favorite parts of our relationship, and I’m here to help you uncover your potential for empowering and joyful sex too.

here's what i do:

I can help you find




in sex.

I can help you find

I used to resent my husband’s easy enjoyment of sex and feel scared that I wasn’t enough for him. But I don’t feel that way anymore! Sex is now one of my favorite parts of our relationship, and I’m here to help you uncover your potential for empowering and joyful sex too.

here's what i do:




in sex.

Free Masterclass!

From Touched Out
To Turned On

Overwhelmed, touched out, and please not tonight . . . Does this ring a bell?

What if your low desire is more about some common misunderstandings than an inability to feel desire? In this free masterclass, I'm going to teach you 4 common myths that make it almost impossible to feel desire, while also giving you the tools you need to start accessing your desire.

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Online Course


You don't need years to create the thriving and joyful sexual relationship you desire. You can start today as I teach you what you need to love sex!

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I’d love to meet you! We’ll talk about increasing pleasure, desire, and authenticity in your marriage. Round up your girlfriends and I’ll come to you.

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Crunched for time? I see you, friend! Learn about all things women’s sexual health from experts and amazing women. Pop in your headphones, and no one even needs to know you're learning about sex!

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Worth every penny and I would 100% recommend. I laughed! I cried! — healing and encouraging.”

— Bonnie

Ariel is incredibly knowledgeable and treats a sensitive subject with such care and competence. Loved every moment of her seminar

— sierra

Full of information! Engaging and thought provoking. — Authentic, vulnerable, and heartfelt.

— Hailey

You know that thing that just makes you giddy? That’s how I feel about helping women learn to love sex. When I’m not working on making the world a better place for women’s sexuality, you can find me imagining with my kids, mountain biking up the canyon, baking sweet treats, playing floor hockey, or laying in my super comfortable bed.

About me


Create A Deeply Connecting Sex Life

You love your husband, but just don't love sex! In this free download, I will walk you through 5 steps you can take to make sex as deeply connecting as you deserve.

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Helping you live up

Sex is the most vulnerable and beautiful way to connect, but it can also sometimes be one of the most painful (emotionally or physically) when you lack sexual education. We all have harmful myths that hold us back from joyful and loving sexual experiences. But I'm here to help you uncover the joy and fulfillment in sex that you deserve!

my services

to your sexual


Helping you live up

Sex can be one of the most vulnerable and beautiful ways to connect, but it can also sometimes be one of the most painful. Due to lack of sexual education, many of us believe harmful myths that hold us back from joyful and loving sexual experiences. I'll help you uncover the joy and fulfillment in sex that you deserve!

my services

to your sexual

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Bringing all the sexual myths out from under the covers!

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    Find sex education tailored specifically to women’s unique sexual struggles and needs.

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