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Hi there! I’m Ariel, a sex educator and mother of 4.

Decidedly not a morning person but a lover of adventures… I love a good milkshake, snuggling my kids in bed (but not during the night), Jesus, and I may have cried over sloths before Kristen Bell.


I was an unfulfilled stay-at-home mom. I felt staying at home was what I was supposed to do to be a good Christian Mom. Until… I found I could be a mom and myself.

As a new mom, I was surrounded by moms who seemed to have it all together and also loved being a mom. I tried to fit this role: keeping my house clean and organized, making healthy meals, planning fun outings, dressing myself and my kids fashionably … But something big was missing. I was depressed. I needed something that was mine outside of motherhood. And guess what? I’m a better mom because of it!

Then I finally found my purpose, helping women uncover more joy and fulfillment in sex. 

It took years of discovery. I had so much emotional pain to work through and unhelpful myths to unlearn. As I learned, I was blown away . . . Sex is awesome! And who knew that love could be even better than in Pride and Prejudice?

From a stay-at-home mom to a sex educator (after years of being a non-traditional grad student with 3 young kids and one on the way), I knew that we as moms needed accurate, easy to access sex education we can trust. So I set out to create content for women to uncover the fulfillment and deep connection they deserve in sex. I bring openness, clarity, and comfort to usually uncomfortable questions and I LOVE helping you find the courage to start transforming your marriages and live up to your privileges for joy in sex.

I love sex! And I want the same for you.

MY bio:

Ariel received a Master's degree in Human Development and Family Studies from Utah State University where she created married women's sexuality courses. She is a sex educator and founder of Ladies Talking Love. A native of northern Wisconsin, she can’t get enough of forests or fresh squeaky cheese curds. She works to make the world a better place for female sexuality by empowering couples to live up to the joy and fulfillment they deserve in sex.

MY bio:

Ariel received a Master's degree in Human Development and Family Studies from Utah State University where she created married women's sexuality courses. She is a sex educator and founder of Ladies Talking Love. A native of northern Wisconsin, she can’t get enough of forests or fresh squeaky cheese curds. She works to make the world a better place for female sexuality by empowering couples to live up to the joy and fulfillment they deserve in sex.

Joggers, feather comforters, regency and proper romance novels, green smoothies, watching my babies grow.

I’m not a bad mom when I take time to work on my passion projects. I’m a better mom when I’m a full person with desires and creative outlets. I don’t have to be the end all solution but can be a link in people’s journey to wholeness. I’m worth the money it costs to have time for projects. Following Jesus doesn’t have to look a certain way.

Let's Go Deep

What I'm Loving

What I'm Learning

Sex is meant to be empowering and joyful. Jesus is the most important thing. Vulnerability is a risk that opens the door for deep connection.

What I Believe

Making choices out of obligation and fear, having to tie shoes, early mornings, and interrupted sleep (but my babes often reject this idea).

What I'm Not about

Now for the Important Stuff

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